(theme music) ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ (sirens wailing) ♪ -Aye, cub. -Right, ye both. (Marlene) Ooh, go large last night, did you? At the wedding? (she chuckles) Where's Finn? He's inside with the fire guys. ♪ Morning, all. -Morning. -Sir. An accelerant was used to deliberately start the fire. Looks like we've got an arson attack. The victim is Ginette Prince, 83. -The Honorable Ginette Prince? -Yeah, retired judge. Been living in the coach house for six months since her husband passed away. That's her son, Julian, and his wife, Kelly. -See what they got to say? -Yeah. ♪ (Leila) Can you tell us what happened here this morning? (Ginette) I was on my way to golf with Dot Harper. Dot phoned to cancel. So I got back in the door and thought I smelled something. I went up the stairs. Smoke was billowing everywhere. I must've tripped, because I only remember Kelly. Aye, I was out in the yard, heard a scream. I rushed in, dragged her out. (Ginette coughs) (Finn) Just take it easy, Mrs. Prince. This can wait. Quick, help her! (coughing, gasping) (Ginette) Just...just... My handbag, it's in the car. (Nigel) Kelly'll bring it to the hospital, Mum. -Can you go and get it? -Yeah. (Marlene) Uh, Kelly, we just have a couple of more questions, if you don't mind. (Leila) Did you see anyone else in the yard at the time of the fire? I don't know. I think I saw a couple of fellas going across the field towards town. (Leila) Can you tell us about their appearances? Uh, two figures, just... couldn't really see nothing else. (Nigel) Kelly! You ready? Sorry, I...I got to go. ♪ What an absolute dog's dinner. (Leila) Whereabouts were you when it started? (Nigel) Oh, to be honest, I wasn't up. Kelly's normally out feeding the animals. Mum's normally playing golf. I just wish she had been this morning. Don't worry, your mum's in good hands. I know. And she's tough, is Ginette. Put a good few criminals behind bars over the years. She was a pretty senior judge. Death threats coming out of her ears, at one point. Never lost a wink of sleep. (Finn) Leila will be the investigating officer. She's been on a major organized crime investigation over in England recently. I just want them caught, so my mum can be safe. Now, if you'll excuse me. (Marlene) I checked in with the hospital to see when we can resume the interview with Ginette. (Finn) It's a sensitive case. Ginette put a lot of people away over the years. In certain circles, the wounds of the past have never healed. Then we'll need to look carefully at who her enemies are. ♪ (seagulls crying) ♪ (television audio) Squat. -Then into a set of burpees. -Squat. Burpee! (knocking) Oh, for flip's sake! (turns off television) Good morning, Concepta. Yes, Siobhan? I have something to say. You said enough last night. As did you. (soft music) -Can I come in? -Here's fine. I'm not saying it on the doorstep. It concerns all of our futures. But up to you. ♪ -Here you go. -Cheers. Hey. (Marlene) So, were you expecting your ex to turn up last night? No. Siobhan took us all by surprise. (Marlene, chuckling) Weddings sure bring people together. ♪ Ginette's still being treated for smoke inhalation, so can't speak to her for a while. -She sure was a busy judge. -Let me see. Yeah, there's one or two names I recognize. Oh, no, here we go. Floyd Finnegan. I think the technical term is "violent psychopath." (Finn) I remember. Barry was inspector when most of this was going down, so it might be worth picking his brain. Okay, fine. He's staffing the Commodore, isn't he? (Marlene) Yeah, until Clint and Nicole come back from their honeymoon. -I'll go check in with him. -Okay. ♪ (Concepta) What a nerve. Galloping around with her son's PE teacher, then waltzing in here as if the whole debacle never happened? Will you whisht? Siobhan will be out in a second. (pouring drink) Here. -Hiya, Leila. -Hi, wee love. -That'll help the head. -There's nothing wrong with my head. I don't get hangovers. Oh, really? (Siobhan) Ah, thanks, Barry. (lively music plays faintly) (Barry) I made out that wee list for you, the enemies of Ginette Prince. -Oh, hello again, um... -Leila. -Oh, yes. Siobhan. -Yes, I remember. ♪ What's going on? Why? Did you not hear? An arson attack up at Scarfield. Um... Or attempted murder. Ginette Prince is in hospital. (Concepta) Oh, is she now? Well, you reap what you sow. An amazing woman, Ginette. (Siobhan) Aye. I always had time for her and her husband. You know them, then? (Siobhan) Oh, yes, they were patients of mine. I was a partner at the practice here. (Leila) Of course. What about her son and his wife? ♪ (Siobhan) I never got a handle on Julian. Still married, is he? I'm out of the loop. (Barry) Julian Prince is sound enough. I mean, he never reached the dizzy heights of his ma. But he's a good lad. And so what if him and Kelly are the odd couple? (Concepta) Odd couple? Ha! Ginette Prince lording it over everyone, then ends up with the gold digger daughter-in-law from the roughest council estate around? (Barry) Well, the old gal certainly had panache. (Siobhan) Ah, she liked her accessories. Ginette was all about the handbag, if I remember correctly. (Concepta) Always flaunting her wealth, couldn't help herself. (Barry) Well, I think we could all agree it's bad luck being burned out of your own house. (Concepta) Suppose it is, aye. (suspenseful music) You ready? Aye, good to go. -Be seeing yous. -Bye, Barry. ♪ I have nothing but respect for Ginette Prince. But see the ones on that list? They'll be glad to see her in an early grave. But this was years ago, though, wasn't it? You'd think they'd do something now? Ah, you have a point. Most of them would be a right age themselves. So, why today? ♪ (Marlene) So, I've run those names. Quite a few of them are dead, two of them are whooping it up on the Costa del Crime, so it doesn't leave us with much. (Leila) If Ginette's normally out on the golf course every morning, surely she can't have been the target of the fire. (Marlene) Yeah, you're right, it doesn't make sense. (text notification bleeps) (Leila clears her throat) The fire was started in a trunk in the bedroom. Do we know what was in the trunk? (Leila) Not yet, contents were pretty much destroyed. (nearby telephone rings) Weird that they'd go all the way to the bedroom to set the fire. Unless they were burning this trunk deliberately. Or its contents. (Finn) Right, that was the hospital. Ginette has responded well to treatment. They've cleared her for interview, so we should head down there. -Give me a lift, then. -See you. (soft music) ♪ (Leila) I saw your wife in the Commodore earlier. Really? (Leila) With your mum. Oh! Right. (Leila) Which seems odd, since you told me they were mortal enemies. (Finn) Well, they are. I just thought Siobhan would've gone back to Belfast by now. Are you being completely straight with me? Of course I am. I was just as shocked as you that she turned up last night. And you took her home. With the kids. And she slept in the spare room. And it doesn't change anything. No? All that stuff she was saying about "coming home" and "getting her family back together." Maybe she thinks you're taking her back. (Finn) I seriously doubt that Siobhan thinks we're reconciling. It's more likely she's lining up divorce papers, to be honest. But whatever she thinks, it doesn't matter. You're the one I'm interested in. ♪ Duty calls. ♪ (Leila) I must ask, did you see anyone this morning on or around the property? (Ginette) Didn't see a soul. (Finn) Have you had any recent threats, Mrs. Prince? We're aware that you had security measures in the past. I have been retired a long time. And no threats. The fire was started in a trunk in the bedroom. Was it used for anything in particular? Ginette keeps all her good handbags in it. (Ginette) I have a small collection. It's kind of her thing. (Ginette) They're worth a heck of a lot of money. Why on earth would someone come in wanting to destroy them? (Leila) Well, I suppose it could be malicious. (Ginette) How would they know where I keep them? Oh, it's a preposterous idea. Ginette, don't upset yourself. The doctor said she should rest. (Finn) Of course. Thank you. ♪ (Callum) 20,000 steps on the fitness tracker. But no sightings of any men running away on foot. (Leila) Forensics have identified the accelerant used to start the fire as alkylate 4-stroke. That's the fuel used for lawnmowers, if I'm not mistaken? That's right, I saw a ride-on lawnmower up at Scarfield. (Leila) Using the owner's own fuel to start the fire sounds opportunistic to me, rather than some planned revenge attack. If the fire was started when Ginette was out, then a dodgy insurance claim is definitely a line of inquiry. By Julian and Kelly? (Leila) Kelly was quick to call time on the interview with Ginette, once the handbags were mentioned. I'd like to question Julian further. (Finn) Let's get back up there. (Leila) All right. (Marlene) Shall we give the door-to-door another bash? See if we can get you past the 50,000 mark? (she chuckles) Come on. (he sighs) ♪ Ahh! Sea air, eh? (Callum) People say it clears the head, but I don't think so. All the oxygen bombards the system. The brain's under enough stress already, so it just shuts down. (Marlene) Well, you're still putting one foot in front of the other, so don't be worrying. That was some turn-up for the books, Siobhan pitching up. Whaaat? (Callum) Oh, I know. (Marlene) Concepta nearly had a kitten. Poor Finn was gob-smacked. So... (Callum) So? (Marlene) So then what happened? (Callum) There was a lot of hugs. (Marlene) With Siobhan and Finn? (Callum) Siobhan, Nicole. -Ah. -Nicole and Clint. Siobhan, Nicole, Clint... Clint and...Finn. And Nicole. Clint and Finn. (Marlene) Aye, you're remembering well. Well, where were you? Sure, I was taking Uncle Barry home. Oh, right. Here, I am starving. (Marlene) Focuses the mind, hunger. Tell you what we'll do. We'll knock on a couple more doors and if we don't come across anyone, we'll just grab a bacon butty. (Callum) Deal. (Marlene) But, hey, before we go, what did Siobhan say to Finn now, exactly? (Callum) She said she'd "come home." Aye, I know that bit. I meant aft... Let's just grab a bacon butty, Callum. (Callum) Beezer. (seagulls crying) ♪ -Oh, they're lovely. -Trixie! (indistinct chatter) -Cheerio. -See you, bye. ♪ I'll take this on over to the house, shall I? (Concepta) Thank you. What is going on? You and...that one. Are yous best friends now, or what? You keep your beak out of it. (chuckling) ♪ -See that Kelly? -Mm-hm. (Callum) She's so full of life. And good-looking. You wonder how she ever ended up with that old lad, Julian. Now, there's your classic age-old exchange-- cash for youth. (Callum) Thinking about him and his creepy old neck and his minging, liver-spotted hands all over her, it makes me want to boke. He's not that old, Callum! (Callum) How am I ever going to meet anyone when all these old duffers have bagged the decent ones and I'm left with the bogtrotters? (Marlene) You know women don't like whingers, Callum? (Callum) You going to eat that? Aye. (she chuckles) ♪ Nice? (bright music) ♪ (Leila) We thought you might still be at the hospital, Kelly. (Julian) I told you Mum was robust. Classic battle-axe, in fact. You know, she's the Lady Bracknell of Port Devine. "A handbag?" (uneasy laughter) (Kelly) Don't worry, I didn't have a notion what he was on about when we started going out. Julian's so well read. (Julian) Kelly thought that Oscar Wilde was a dog food brand. (Kelly) Honest, that's true, so it is. It's like My Fair Lady 'round here. Or what do you call the book again? Pygmalion. That's not even Wilde. Another Irish playwright, though. Bernard Shaw. Did anyone else know where the handbags were kept? Workers on the estate, perhaps? (Julian) Uh, no, only family. Since we've sold off some of the land, we, uh, we do most of the work now ourselves. They're all insured. I have the details here somewhere. We'll...we'll be making a claim. The Fire Service have confirmed the blaze was started with an accelerant. Do you hold lawnmower fuel here? (Julian) We do, yes. (soft, tense music) Could you show me where the fuel supplies are kept? Yes, of course. You know where they are, don't you? ♪ (Callum) You know what? It's not me. It's this hick town. If I was back in the Big Smoke, I'd be out with a different girl every night. Thought you were saving yourself for Leila. Weren't you going to ask her out last night? Last night... Yeah. It was...it was a bit of a complex one, that. Yeah? Hey, we've--we've looked everywhere. There's no arsonists in sight, so will we, uh, flag the station? I'll get your rubbish for you. (Callum) Oh. (Marlene) It's all right, I got it. (indistinct chatter) ♪ (Leila) It's suspicious they couldn't find the lawnmower fuel. Well, if it was those two fellas, they could've taken it with them. Or someone in the family got rid of it. Kelly was hiding something, wasn't she? (Finn) Hmm, definitely. So, this was found in the trunk? (Leila) Look at that logo. Nope, none the wiser. Chanel. Oh, right. Looks like a dust cover for a Chanel handbag. To protect them. That one there's Prada. Weird there's no remnants of the handbags themselves. (Finn) Yeah, there's not even a metal clasp left. Any luck? (door closes) (Marlene) No. Checked the whole town. (Callum) Literally no one saw two men absconding. (Marlene) So, remnants of a fire, but no remnants of actual handbags? (Leila) The fire was set to make it look like the handbags were destroyed to cover the theft. (Finn) Julian made it very clear they were going to put in an insurance claim. (Leila) Maybe they're not as well off as they seem. (Marlene) Do you know what? We gave that girl Kelly a lift once. Her car had broken down on the dual-carriageway. She didn't have the money to pay for the tow truck. (Leila) Callum, can you make enquiries about the family's finances? (Callum) Yeah. ♪ Have you bay leaf in that? I have. Pass the... Is that cow? Don't forget I'm vegan. (Shay) With a gob the size of yours, who could forget? (Siobhan) Right, pipe down, Shay, will you? Nanny's got you a Mahon's nut roast. Mr. Mahon's daughter's one, as well. ♪ (Leila) If Kelly's totally dependent on Julian economically but suddenly needed the funds, that's a clear motive for stealing the handbags. It certainly is. (Callum) Ginette and Julian both have bank accounts. There's money in Julian's account, but Kelly doesn't have access to it. Bit weird she doesn't have her own cash, given the family that she's in. (Marlene) Maybe they don't trust her with their money. ♪ (Leila) Hello? Hello! Hello? Kelly? (Callum) No one down there. I'll check 'round the back of the house. ♪ (Leila) Kelly? ♪ She's done a runner. ♪ (Julian) Can I help you at all? ♪ (breathing uneasily) ♪ I'd appreciate a call before you come into our home. I'm sorry, but we have good reason. We need to speak to Kelly urgently. (Julian) I don't know where she is. (Marlene) It seems like she's left in a hurry, and she's not answering her phone. (Leila) We made enquiries into Kelly's finances. It appears she has no access to money. ♪ (Julian) That was for her own good. I mean... she and I decided on that. She got into some trouble with credit cards in the past, decided to cut them up. So I've been paying off her debt for her. We need to question Kelly over the fire. So, anything we can uncover in terms of clues to her whereabouts? (Marlene) And the handbags' whereabouts. All right if we have a further look around, Julian? (breathing uneasily) ♪ Kelly could be anywhere by now. (Leila) You don't think Julian knows of her whereabouts? (Marlene) Nah. He was as shocked as us. What about Ginette? Kelly hasn't been back to the hospital. Ginette hasn't heard from her either. (Marlene) How are you getting on there, Callum? (Callum) The tech team have gone through Kelly's social media. She has a number of connections, some known criminals from the estate she grew up on. (Marlene) Anyone we recognize? (Callum) Marty Bakewell. (Marlene) Oh, aye, right dodgy piece of work. (Callum) They were both on a messaging app until 45 minutes ago. (Marlene) Let's go and pay Marty a wee visit. (tense music) ♪ What the hell is Julian doing here? ♪ Mr. Prince? (Julian) Kelly! I know you're in there. I know you're in there! (Leila) Mr. Prince, wait. I'm looking for my wife. I'm following her live on this app. This...this is none of your business. (Marlene) There they are. ♪ -I'm sorry, I... -So am I, Kelly. But you're under arrest. The missing handbags. ♪ (Leila) Kelly, is it possible you started the fire to cover the theft of Ginette's handbags? No comment. (Marlene) Were you under such financial pressure that it was your only option? No comment. (Leila) Did you not consider the risk to your mother-in-law when you set the fire? I'd never hurt Ginette on purpose. (Leila) What's wrong with your arm? It's fine. It's nothing. ♪ (Leila) How long's Julian been tracking your movements? ♪ Didn't know he was, like. Kelly is not bad with money. There were no credit card debts racked up, as Julian claimed. It appears he controls the purse strings and he's tracking her movements. Are you serious? So, she's been acting out of desperation? To get away from him, yes. So this is a case of coercive control? I think it's even worse than that. (knocking at door) Hey. (Leila) Inspector, Siobhan and I spoke in the Commodore earlier. The Princes are her former patients. Okay. (Leila) I saw Kelly flinch. She's clearly in some physical pain. And when Julian appeared, she looked terrified. We need to establish if she's injured. I'd like her examined. Not a problem. Happy to help. Good. We can, uh, touch base after. Yeah, I'll be seeing you later. The family dinner. Concepta texted you? Yeah. You--you going to that as well? Oh. This way. ♪ You've seen Dr. O'Hare. She says there's severe bruising on your arms, your back, your torso. Kelly, we're concerned. Can you tell us what's been going on? ♪ People look up to that family. I never, ever had that. All the crap I had growing up, but... Even with people judging me, I mean, I'm a nobody, like, but... they can't say nothing because of us being married and who Julian's family are. No one's a nobody, Kelly. ♪ (sniffling) ♪ If you'd managed to sell the handbags, you'd have had enough to leave, wouldn't you? To get away. ♪ So, he has been hurting you? ♪ (Leila) What about Ginette? Did she know what was going on? You seem close. I didn't want her to know. ♪ I thought she suspected for a while. But Julian threatened to put Ginette in a home if she got wind, so I just made sure I hid it. ♪ (Marlene) So, you know nothing about these marks? ♪ That's correct. I never laid a finger on her. But I wouldn't put it beyond her to self-harm. To try and deflect attention from what she has done. You know, it's a new low, trying to blame me. It's her weaselly attempt to shirk responsibility. This is arson and theft we're talking about here. She stole my mother's property, she set fire to the house that she was in. Now, are you going to waste more time, or are you going to go and charge her? ♪ (Leila) It's his word against hers-- and from what you've all said, he's got a lot of standing. Julian Prince is clearly a manipulative bully, but he's hidden it well. Most people think he's a solid guy. I'm sorry to say this, but just because Kelly is a victim of domestic abuse, it doesn't mean she's off the hook for arson. She could be facing jail time. (knocking at door) Yeah? Ginette Prince has been on the phone, she wants an update. (Marlene) Who knows what picture she'll paint of Kelly? -We'd better go find out. -Yep. ♪ (Leila) Your daughter-in-law, Kelly... she's under arrest for theft and arson, with intent to endanger life. She's confessed to that? (Leila) Well, no, because she's currently being treated for injuries unrelated to that charge. Is she all right? I would say, she hasn't been in a long while. ♪ I knew she was struggling. I saw bruises. Just the once, a while ago. When I asked her, she made excuses. So I went to Julian. He swore to me that it was a drunken mistake. I really wanted to believe that. But in his darkest moments, Julian would frighten even... well, even a judge. So I blame myself. ♪ I want you to know I won't be pressing charges. It may not be as simple as that. We have a duty to protect and safeguard people. (Ginette) I do know something about the law, you know. This is a family matter. If I were sitting on this case, I would exercise discretion. But this won't get to a judge. Kelly didn't steal my handbags, you see. I gave them to her. You can only use one handbag at one time, after all. What would an old bird like me be doing with ten? ♪ Finally. ♪ (Leila) Julian Prince, you are under arrest for domestic violence motivated common assault on Kelly Prince. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. This is ridiculous! These are criminal allegations. We have a witness statement. Oh, my mum? Oh, she always has an opinion. She's always judging! She knows nothing. No one is gonna believe Kelly over me. She is an arsonist and a thief! (Leila) We've been able to establish the fire was an accident, and Kelly's been cleared of stealing the handbags. So, I suggest you sit down and engage with us, Mr. Prince. ♪ (buzzer sounds, door opens) (soft music) Kelly, you're free to go. (Marlene) We interviewed your mother-in-law, and she told us how she'd given you the handbags. -But... -She wanted you to have them. What...what about the fire? (Marlene) Oh yeah. She used fuel to clean the handbag clasps. Thinks she forgot to put the lid on properly, so... It was a deathtrap waiting to happen. (Marlene) Yeah. Thank you. ♪ (Finn) Excellent result, Detective. I'd really rather not go to this dinner, but I can't get out of it. (Leila) No, you can't. So, what's the plan? Divide the furniture, hire a mediator? (Leila) You have Concepta. (Finn) The Concept as a mediator? (Leila) She's fierce, but at least you'd have her on your side. Why are we talking about my mother? Listen, if you're free tomorrow night... maybe we could pick up where we left off? ♪ Maybe. ♪ (Shay) All right, Da? -Everything all right? -Oh, yeah. Um... Nanny and Mum... doing my head in slightly. (Finn) Ah. They'll be on their way soon enough, yeah? And then it'll be back to Lads Central. All right. (indistinct chatter) (Siobhan) Hiya. I'm having a wee glass of wine. Do you want one? Yeah. ♪ (Kelly) Oh, Ginette, I'm so sorry! (Ginette) Shh, it's okay. I'm just sorry I didn't... I couldn't stop him. (Kelly) If you could have helped me, you would have, I know that... (Ginette) Shh. It's okay. ♪ (Leila) Got through a lot today. (Marlene) We did, yeah. ♪ (Ginette) The women of the hour. (soft laughter) (Leila) I think that's Kelly. (Ginette) That's all of you. ♪ (Siobhan) Do you want me to get this? (Concepta) No. I'm doing it. I've got asbestos hands. (Siobhan) Right. (Finn) Oh, wow, look at this. Wow! Amazing, Ma. (Shay) Here, Nanny, are you sure it's dead? You know, like, Niamh might be able to save it? You'll be dead before it. (Siobhan) Nanny's just cooked us a lovely meal. She doesn't want to listen to all this twaddle. Well, it was a... team effort. ♪ (Barry) A lemonade, a spritzer, and a pint of the black stuff. (Marlene) Thanks, Barry. Will we get a booth? I'll be glad to see Clint and Nicole back again. (Leila) Have you heard from them? Jet-skiing tomorrow, apparently. -Nice. -Talking of nice, what do you think's going on between the Concept and Siobhan? She and the woman previously referred to as the "Genghis Khan of daughters-in-law," joined at the hip? Setting up some kind of family feast? I know, weird. ♪ You okay there, mate? Tickety-boo. No, come on, what is it? Spit it out. ♪ Leila's seeing someone. ♪ How do you know? She said last night. I don't know how I missed it before. (Marlene) Nah, it seems unlikely. I mean, who? No idea. I suppose there are a few wee hotties tucked away around here. You've got your man in the dry-cleaner's. Very masterful individual. (soft laughter) Or even old silver fox Baz there. Do you know what I mean? (playful music) (she chuckles) ♪ (Finn) Based on Ginette's statement, we had enough to charge Julian. If he's going away, well, Kelly can put her life back together again. (Concepta) Let's hit the Commodore. You've earned yourselves a Coke float. (Niamh) I'm totally stuffed-- stoked to be going there. Catch you pair later. (Finn) Yeah, well, you know Ma. She's, uh, full of good intentions, but... Finn, will you listen a sec? (soft music) I'm sorry. Yeah, what I did, Shay's PE teacher... it was unforgivable. -Siobhan, you don't need to... -No, I do, Finn. But no matter how badly, atrociously I behaved, I think you still owe it to me to... to sit down and listen. ♪ (Barry) So... Come on, Septic. This time last year, you were for taking out a contract on Siobhan. What's changed? (Concepta) Do those glasses there not need a polish? You can't have Nicole coming back to a pile of mess. (bright music plays faintly) ♪ (Leila) Long day. (Concepta) Tell me about it. You forget how exhausting it is, being nice. What's been going on? That hallion of a daughter-in-law, that's what. (soft music) ♪ (Siobhan) Now, we both knew there were problems. (Finn) Well, it's never one person's fault-- (Siobhan) It doesn't mean to say I can't take responsibility for my actions. That's what I want to do here. But what I don't think is useful is going over and over it. If you believe I am genuine, Finn... I believe you're genuine, but, Von... I want to draw a line. Start mending things. I--I know you thought I was just here with Niamh, here for the sake of the kids, but... Because, you know... there's work to do. I think it could be bright, our future. If you're willing to take on board... (Finn) Take on board? (Siobhan) That I still love you. ♪ Can we try again? ♪ (Concepta) Well, Mr. Negroni sure beats Barry's green slime. Before Siobhan, Finn was going out with a lovely girl. Now, she would've been the ideal for him. From just up the coast, she was. Gorgeous family. Brother was a priest, father conducted a choir. Holiday cottage in Portnoo. Where? That's all in the past. Because, Finn and Siobhan, they are married in the eyes of God. Do they even believe-- For better or for worse. And Lord knows, I could tell you about that. And that is why... ♪ That's why it's right they're getting back together. ♪ (theme music) ♪ (bright music)